Monday, March 24, 2008

My First Post

Okay, here it very first blog post. I actually created this blog over a month ago, but had yet to actually say something. The fact is, I really didn't know what to talk about. I mean what could I mention that someone would actually want to read. So I figured I would just take the plunge and just start yapping.

I just had my 31st birthday which was nice. My in-laws treated me to Red Lobster and gave me a nice gift. I was called by most of my friends which I was grateful for because you always want people to remember you on your birthday. The funny thing is, I have never really made a big deal about my birthday because I never liked getting older. When I was growing up some of my friends were always talking about what they would do when they finally got old enough. I on the other hand, never looked forward to it.

My parents made a big stink when I turned 10 because I was in double digits and again at 13 because I was finally a teen, but I never wanted to grow up. I was older then most of my friends so I turned 16 first and could drive which was nice having the "freedom" but then I had to worry about gas, insurance, and upkeep. Granted, at that time my parents covered the expense but they made sure I understood what new responsibilities came with the privilege. Then of course the big 18 occured which was probably the most depressing birthday of all because suddenly I was actually an ADULT. Then I hit 21 which wasn't really a big deal to me because I wasn't that big of a drinker. I did enjoy turning 24 because my insurances got cheaper, but then again I was no longer considered a dependent which further reiterated the fact that I was no longer a kid.

I have always tried to stay young at heart but bills, work, and responsibilities seem to make it really difficult. I long for the days that I didn't have to do a thing in the summer but play and spend time with friends. I suppose if I ever get independently wealthy then I might be able to do nothing but play again , but I don't think I will hold my breath for that one.

I sit and wonder sometimes what makes life so different now then it was when we were young. Truth is, nothing has really changed if you think about it from the perspective of comparison. School was replaced with work. Asking parents for money was replaced with awaiting your next paycheck. Homework was replaced with paying bills. Our childhood chores were replaced......well actually I suppose the chores are pretty much the same. We still save for the things we want and when time permits spend time with the friends we still have.

I think I just made my mood better. For me it sometimes gets depressing when I think about getting another year older. Although I still remain thankful for the good times I had, the wisdom I gained, and the small goals I reached. It is nice to know that in this age of information and medical breakthroughs, I have only embarked on about a 1/3 of life's average expectancy. So ultimately I may still have two sets of my present lifetime left. Let me think, in the last 30 years I have learned to: walk, speak, read, write, love, hate, desire, hurt, be disappointed, be surprised, be frightened, know loyalty, know betrayal, and many other things. I suppose that means I still have whole lot more to experience in the years to come.

Well, there you have it my first post. A bit longer then I anticipated it to be but so be it. The question is when will I actually sit down long enough to place another post?


RoadRunner said...

Well written sir. And again, happy birthday. Hope the new job is going well.

rakethetable said...

Happy Birthday!


Welcome to blogsphere.

Poptart said...

Happy Birthday you big kid.

Poptart said...

Is this going to be your ONLY post??